ocr: VALVERDE SCHOOL DISTRICT INFORMATION NETWORK Vista Verde El Potrero Bethune Midoe School Elementary, School Elementary School: Victorsano Tomas Rivera 11 (-1 Bementery Middle Schooi School 11 1A1 Cisco Glenview AGS+ Preschool Raintow Ridgo : Elementary T1 1-1 Schooi Mails Mead Valel T1/ parabase 56 Kops tlementary School Router. inivers 11 University 11, of Ostrict Califomia, Vai Verde office Riverside Bementory Auspex P9000% CERFNe: School file servere Valverde, tecinical tbrany Systeas Vai Verde: High School District office Figure 1. The Vai Verde Unified School Districr's network serves rou ...